ATTENTION: Red-blooded males who want their body back

Here's The Underground Fitness Protocol That's Turning Men Around The Country Back Into Lean, Shredded Warriors In 2025

WITHOUT gyms, goofy diets, or superhuman levels of willpower, which makes it dead-simple to follow (even when life gets crazy)

This is me after I found the secret protocol that turned me from an overweight dad and business owner into a top 1% Spartan race finisher:

[BTW — Ask anyone who tries to give you fitness advice to pass the "lift your shirt" test. No abs, no listen.]

I'm going to download the exact same protocol I used into your life, too, so you can have the body you want, without all the fitness industry BS most men get tripped up by.

My name is Bryan Ward.

I'm a husband, a father of four, a business-owner, and founder of Third Way Man.

I was forty to sixty pounds overweight for most of my adult life, and I'm here to tell you:

* If you're an ambitious, red-blooded male

* If you have skin in the game (you have a family depending on you)

* If you invest in your personal growth (coaching, courses, masterminds)

* If you know the power of brotherhood (iron sharpens iron)

* AND if you're ready to try something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT to get your fitness handled

Then you need to read every last word on this page, because you are EXACTLY the kind of man we work with, and I'm going to let you in on a secret protocol we've been guarding for 6 years.

I'm going to give you the breakthrough fitness solution that's turned not just me but HUNDREDS of other men into lean, athletic warriors in just twenty to thirty minutes a day.

I'll give you the goods in a sec.

First, quick backstory.

From Basketball Star To Has-Been

I'm 6'8".

So it will come as no surprise that I played basketball.

I thought I'd always be that guy I was in high school and college: lean, strong, athletic.

For the first half of my twenties, I was.

It didn't matter how crappy I ate or how little I worked out: youth had me covered.

Then, at age twenty-five, I married my college sweetheart.

I thought I'd be able to "ease in" to being a family man.

Then we conceived our first child just three months later.

(If you want to make God laugh…)

I went from footloose bachelor, living out of my Toyota 4-Runner, to new husband and father in one year.

Between the stress of student loan payments…

Our first-ever mortgage…

Working a mental health program manager job I hated but took anyways to feed my family…

Exercise and clean eating went out the window.

It was full-on survival mode.

I Didn't Recognize Myself

This went on for years, until one day I looked in the mirror—REALLY looked—and didn't recognize myself.

It wasn't just the thickness of my face, the fat on my neck, the puffiness of my chest,

It was the look in my eyes that got me.

Who was this hollowed out man with the thousand-yard stare?

He bore NO resemblance to the man I thought of myself as being.

I Was Working My A** Off And STILL Failing At Everything

When it comes to success, health is the foundation.

And my foundation was cracking.

I'd allowed my body to become soft…

And now everything else was softening right along with it.

My confidence at work was shot. The business I'd started was on the brink of collapse, and I was racking up huge debts to keep it going.

My home life was no better:

The smallest home repair projects would defeat me, sending me into a quiet fury.

I was miserable to be around for my family: a critical, moody, nit-picky jackass.

I thought Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

Maybe this whole "destined for greatness" thing was a lie.

Maybe I wasn't the man I thought I was.

I Tried To Kill The Dreamer In Me

I told myself I was being selfish.

That it was time to "grow up."

That this life of "have it all" freedom I was trying so hard to build was just a pipe dream.

Maybe those cynical older men I'd always scoffed at were right after all:

Maybe I needed to lower my standards, keep my head down, play small.

Maybe the dream needed to die.

That's what most of the dads I knew did:

Living for the weekend, living for the game, living for the next chance to plop down on the couch, beer in hand.

So that's what I did.

I let go. I settled.

I killed the dream.

But it didn't take.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake my longing for a better life.

Then My Daughter's Ninth Birthday Brought Me To My Knees

I was on a collision course with regret.

I might have stayed on that path, had it not been for my daughter's ninth birthday.

As I was watching her play with her friends during the party, it suddenly hit me like a club to the head:

She was nine now, which was half-way to her being eighteen and out of the house.

My kids were growing up.

I had a small window of time with these kids, these jewels, these apples of my eye, and I was MISSING IT.

I was sleepwalking through my one life.

Tears came to my eyes as I thought of how many of these precious, fleeting years I'd wasted in anger and helplessness.

I swore that day:

If not for me, then at least for them:

I WOULD get my fitness handled:

I WOULD become the man I was capable of:

I WOULD give my family the life I'd promised.

Or die trying.

I Told Myself I'd "Figure It Out"

I wish I could tell you I turned it around right then and there.

But my breakthrough was still YEARS away.

There were many false starts.

First it was Body For Life.

Then it was Strong Lifts.

Then it was yoga.

Then it was a Spartan race.

[Don't let the stupid grin fool you: I'd just publicly humiliated myself. I'd told EVERYONE I was going to run a Spartan race: then I'd HAVE to get fit (or look like an idiot). That was the plan, but I STILL half-assed the workouts and cheated on my diet, which led to a lousy top 35% finish and ZERO change to my fitness.]

I went vegan.

I went raw vegan.

I went paleo.

It's not that I didn't see improvement.

But nothing STUCK:

There was no lasting change…

No sustainable framework:

Just a bunch of haphazard stabs at greatness that never amounted to anything.

This was my "normal" for most of that period:

Not dramatically overweight… but nowhere near where I wanted to be, either.

ESPECIALLY for how hard I was trying.

I was committed to getting my fitness handled…

But still going nowhere.

The #1 Lie Men Tell Themselves About Fitness

Finally, one day while nursing a tension migraine headache from squatting too heavy, a thought hit me:

"Go big or go home."

That's how we tackle health and fitness.

Lift heavy… lift long… all or nothing.

It may feel "strong" in the moment…

But what if it was the root problem? What if it was the real reason I'd been lugging an extra forty to sixty pounds around the last two decades?

What if I wasn't damaged or defective…

But just had the wrong fitness strategy?

The Secret To Getting And STAYING Fit In 2025

If "go big or go home" was NOT the answer… what was?

I started by considering its opposite.

I put together a fitness protocol so simple, so underwhelming it would be almost impossible to quit.

Less like Navy Seal BUD/S and more like… brushing your teeth.

I literally laughed out loud when I read it back.

No way this would work.

Or would it?

I decided to try it out.

I almost quit the first week. Not because it was too hard…

…but because it was too easy.

That said, I was desperate, and nothing else I'd tried the last five plus years had worked.

So I forced myself to stick it out.

Did It Work?

I could tell you that, thanks to this protocol, I had abs again for the first time in twenty years.

I could tell you that, for the first summer in forever, not only did I NOT dread taking my shirt off… I welcomed it.

I could tell you that I was stronger than I'd been in decades.

But the biggest win of all was something much more powerful.

Not long after I started my protocol, I signed up for my second-ever Spartan race.

It was time to redeem myself.

This time, the pressure was even higher: my daughter was joining me.

Yes, the same one whose ninth birthday had haunted me all those years ago.

She was eighteen now…

Ready to leave home for college, just as I'd known she would.

Thanks to the protocol I'm about to share with you…

Thanks to the power of "stupid simple"…

I didn't just reach my goal of placing in the top 10%…

I Finished In The Top 1%

This is me and my daughter at the finish line.

I'll always remember that day.

Not because of the 1% finish.

It wasn't about me.

Having the lean, fit body I longed for didn't just make my life better…

It's made me a better man, a better husband, and a better father:

An example to my kids, my grandkids to come, and my entire bloodline of what's possible when you make fitness the foundation.

Then Things Got Crazy When I Shared My Protocol With 111 Other Men

All well and good for me.

But could it work for other men?

I'd already started Third Way Man…

So I decided to find out.

I hired a team and put together a program that ran men through my protocol.

We had 111 men sign up for the first cohort.

I still remember the butterflies I felt when I opened Slack (where we host the program) on day one of the program to see how the men were doing.

They were SMASHING IT.

And in the days and weeks that followed… the proof started popping up EVERYWHERE:

These guys… many of whom had struggled for decades to get fit…were finally carving down to their fighting weight with my protocol.

Here's just a small taste:

Proof It Works

(Select testimonials - more on file)

"In the best shape of my life"

"I feel like a spring chicken"

"Don't buy new clothes until the last day"

"Feeling fantastic"

"Had to get one of my favorite shirts taken in a few inches"

"She said 'You look exceptional for 50'"

How To Get The Body You've Always Wanted

Our long-term vision at Third Way Man is to create a parallel society of free men.

Our goal is to bring three million men and their families into the fold by 2032.

The number one way we do that is by sharing our game-changing programs and protocols that attract freedom-loving family men, so we can give incredible value and start the relationship right.

For the last five years, we've been quietly perfecting this program behind the scenes.

Until recently, it was only available to friends and family.

But now, as part of our global mission, we're finally opening the doors to the rest of the world.


Body Of A Warrior is a 5-day challenge that downloads my GET FIT, STAY FIT protocol into your life so you can get and KEEP the lean, athletic body you were born to have in just 20 to 30 minutes a day.

[The 5-day challenge format is the best format BY FAR because it lets us interact with you LIVE to download the protocol into your life. And the action steps we have you take each day are what lock it in.]

Here's how it works:

DAY 1:

On day 1, we give you the first part of the protocol, which gets installed in your life with a simple action step that takes less than 1 minute. This is the foundation. Without this step, fitness is a grind. But do this one thing and it's like playing the whole game in cheat mode.

DAY 2:

On day 2, we give you the second step, which solves the "clean eating" problem. You'll learn why all the diets fail in the end, and the radically different strategy our Warrior use to get this handled. Our method is dead-simple, and requires NO calorie counting, NO portion restrictions, and NO foods but ones you love to eat.

DAY 3:

On day 3, we give you the third part of the protocol, which is the Core Four exercises. These exercises are shockingly simple to perform, nearly injury-proof, and can be done anywhere. Most importantly, they get you shredded with zero complexity. On day 3, we'll also reveal the #1 worst exercise for men over 40 (stop doing this immediately).

DAY 4:

On day 4, we give you the fourth step, which solves the compliance problem. If you know the mechanics of fitness (nutrition, exercise) but still fall off the path... you have a compliance problem, and we know EXACTLY how to solve that for you. You'll learn why the "buddy system" and other forms of accountability fail, and the breakthrough solution we use instead.

DAY 5:

On day 5, we give you the fifth part of the protocol, which is all about locking in the fitness habit for the long haul. This part of the protocol takes what most men experience as the "long slog" of fitness and turns it into a game you need and WANT to play the rest of your life.

If you meet our criteria, this challenge is going to make getting fit feel like shooting fish in a barrel.

That said…

Body Of A Warrior's NOT For Everyone

If you…

* Have a victim mentality

* Are anti-family

* Think masculinity is toxic…

Then this program is not for you.

On the other hand, if you…

* Take responsibility for your life

* Think that male strength is a GOOD thing

* Are a driven family-man, looking to reach your maximum potential…

Then you're exactly who we built this for.

What Goals Will You NOT Smash When You're Lean And Strong Again?

You have sixpack abs.

You move like a jungle cat.

You have striation in your muscles, and clearly visible veins.

You even have that V above your hips, like the David statue.

You EASILY bend over to tie your shoes, no chair required.

You HAPPILY peel your shirt off at the beach or pool, secretly loving it when your wife and her friends ogle your new physique.

Even better, you wake up clear-eyed, focused, and alert.

You are CRUSHING your goals, because you have the body of an elite athlete.

This is not a fantasy.

This can be your everyday reality when you surrender to the simple power of Body Of A Warrior.

What's Raw, Animal Vitality Worth To You?

You and I both know men who spend thousands of dollars to get this kind of body.

Whether in the form of testosterone shots…

Weight loss pills…

Gastric bypass surgery… or some other painful, expensive intervention that DOESN'T SOLVE the root problem.

Look, when it comes to fitness, I've tried it all.

The ONLY thing that's worked for me and the men I work with is Body Of A Warrior.

It's taken me twenty years of trial and error to make this for you.

Men have paid thousands of dollars to get their hands on this protocol.

But that's not what you'll invest when you jump on the special offer I have for you today.

Why It's Only $10

No, that's not a typo.

Although I know you're going to love this 5-day challenge and get ridiculous value…

…YOU don't know that yet.

We've only just met, and chances are you're skeptical.

I get it.

So, as a show of good faith, I've decided to give you access to this protocol through the 5-day Body Of A Warrior Challenge for a one-time purchase of just $10.

[The 5-day challenge format is the best format BY FAR because it lets us interact with you LIVE to download the protocol into your life. And the action steps we have you take each day are what lock it in.]

We're playing the long game here. We want to make you a lifelong fan.

A crazy generous introductory offer is how we do that.

This Works For You Or You Get A Full Refund

To make your decision even easier, I'm also backing your investment with a 90-day guarantee.

Here's how it works.

Enter your payment info on the next page and go through the 5-day challenge.

If you don't feel like the value you get is at least TEN TIMES your investment…

If you're unhappy with your fitness results AT ALL…

Or if you simply don't like the challenge for any reason, just send my support team an email within 12 weeks of purchase and we will immediately issue you a prompt and courteous refund.

No questions, no hassles, no "exit surveys," nothing.

In other words, you have absolutely no risk whatsoever when you test-drive Body Of A Warrior.

Join the 5-Day Body Of A Warrior Challenge Now

There Are Two Ways You Miss Out On This

Now, time is of the essence.

Here are two ways those who hesitate lose:

First off, the price may go up at any time. I don't know how long my team will be able to stomach selling this for a measly $10.

Second, enrollment closes March 16th, since we start day 1 of the challenge on March 17th.

If you still see the $10 buy button below…

…that means you can still enroll at the $10 price.

Secure My Spot

Bad Things Will Happen

If you're on the fence, let me offer a blunt prediction.

Here's what will happen if you say "no" or "maybe later" to this offer.

First, you'll hit the back button and go back to whatever time-wasting doom-scroll you were on before.

Then some mildly entertaining but ultimately useless article or video will catch your eye and POOF: our time here together will be forgotten.

Then, weeks or months from now, instead of having the body of a warrior, you'll still be spinning your wheels, only living up to a fraction of your true potential.

That would be tragic.

Especially since you were just ONE CLICK away from getting the keys to the kingdom.

Don't let that happen to you.

Join the 5-Day Body Of A Warrior Challenge Now


When I was setting up the ad targeting for this offer, I asked myself "who are the men we want in our tribe? Who are our ride-or-dies?"

And voila. Here you are.

It worked.

This site is intentionally NOT indexed in Google because I don't want just "anybody" coming here.

I've also turned down multiple podcast and TV interviews, because I don't want to waste my time talking to a broad audience.

I am laser focused on serving men like you.

You are special. You have been chosen. Unless I got my targeting wrong… you and I are brothers.

So if you're sick and tired of living small and want to create the life you've always longed for… DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

Don't die haunted by regret.

Join Body Of A Warrior Now

Join the 5-Day Body Of A Warrior Challenge now for just $10

Enrollment closes March 16th. Challenge runs from March 17th to 21st

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I'm in lousy shape. Will this still work for me?

A: Yes. Warriors come in all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels. Size or fitness level is not a limiting factor.

Q: I'm no good at sticking with fitness programs. How will this be any different?

A: That's why we created this. That's the exact problem this protocol solves.

Q: Will I have to travel somewhere to participate?

A: No. Body Of A Warrior is 100% virtual. As long as you can Zoom and email, you're golden.

Q: I have a crazy schedule. Do I have to attend the Zoom sessions live?

A: Although live is best, we will make replays available (for a limited time) for those who can't join us for the live sessions.

Q: What happens at the end of the 5-days?

A: At the end of the 5-days challenge, you can either run the protocol on your own, or you can sign up for the Body Of A Warrior Intensive, where you'll run the protocol with the full support of me, my coaches, and the larger tribe.

Got it - I'm in

Remember, it's all still possible.

To your freedom,

Bryan Ward, founder
Third Way Man & Body Of A Warrior

P.S. In case you just skimmed through this letter, here's the deal:

Join the 5-Day Body Of A Warrior Challenge for only $10 and let us download our GET FIT, STAY FIT protocol into your life.

It's just $10 and it's backed by a 12-week money-back guarantee. You have absolutely no risk whatsoever.

P.P.S. If you're still on the fence, all that's left to say is this:

I can't reach through the computer screen, grab you by the shoulders, look you in the eyes, and SHOW you how sincere I am.

All I can do is ask you, one man to another, to have a little faith, and take this one small step with me.

I won't let you down.

Try Body Of A Warrior risk-free now

Still not sure?

Here's What Warriors Say

"Don't miss this opportunity"

"Join this program. It will change your life"

"Haven't counted calories once... lost 38 pounds in 9 weeks"

"Worth every cent"

"The best program out there for guys"

"I could not be happier with this experience"

I'm ready - let me in