Body Of A Warrior: Eating Plan

Let’s be clear: how, when and what you eat is THE SINGLE BIGGEST factor in your fitness transformation.

So, as promised, we’re not going to give you some complicated, hard-to-follow, flavor-of-the-month diet:

We’re going to give you a simple eating plan that has you eating a wide range of delicious foods the vast majority of experts agree on. This basic nutrition plan can be described as ancestral eating.

Disclaimer: The Warrior workouts and eating plan are not intended to override or supersede the advice of your doctor. If you have type 1 diabetes or any other diet-sensitive health condition, consult your doctor before beginning the Body Of A Warrior program.

The Good News

It so happens that the most nutrient-dense and high-calorie foods are also the most satisfying. Eating large quantities of “rabbit food” does not grow muscle. Protein, fat, bones, marrow, sinew, cartilage, tendons and organs grow muscle and powerful, lean warrior bodies. The foods that come from animals are more in line with our own biological structures, whereas plant based foods mostly have to be converted by our own bodies to become somewhat useful but also less effective.

When it comes to fruit, this part of the plant is meant to be eaten since this is how plants propagate themselves. The leaves, stalks and seeds are not what the plant kingdom wants you to eat. Certain parts of plants contain toxins as the only method of defense that the plant has.

Many believe that being on an animal based diet means just eating steak all the time. This is far from the truth. The muscle meat of animals contains many nourishing vitamins, minerals and amino acids but not all that are necessary for a well balanced diet for humans. The solution is to eat “nose to tail”. This concept can be practiced by learning to eat all parts, including organs, bone, marrow, fat, cartilage, tendons, sinew and blood. Combining these makes for a complete and nutritious dietary protocol if sourced from humanely treated and pastured animals.

To simplify: Eat meat, organs, raw dairy, fruit, raw honey.

Warrior Meals

Each week, your eating plan assignment will be to eat three warrior meals a day, seven days a week.

Here’s what makes a meal a warrior meal:

1. Whole foods only (single ingredient).

2. Consists of a combination of animal-based foods (meats, organs, broths, eggs, raw and grass fed dairy), fruits, raw honey and low toxicity vegetables. Some do better on a mostly animal based program, while others may do better with a higher ratio of plant-based foods. This may take some self experimentation.

For example: 

By whole foods, we mean foods in their original form: not processed, adulterated, or laden with preservatives.

Your meals can be a combination of ingredients, of course. But they must be ingredients combined by YOU, not some corporate food lab.

Portion Control

Note that we are not giving you restrictions on portion size.


Because it’s very difficult to over-eat when you’re eating the right foods in the right proportions. Animal fat is the great satiator and over-eating of animal-based foods is a self-correcting problem. Overstuffing oneself on meat, organs and fat is very uncommon, whereas, eating carbohydrates does not usually trigger a governor effect and we tend to not know when to stop.

In other words, eat when you’re hungry and stop eating when you’re satisfied, and so long as you’re eating a warrior structured meal, the rest will take care of itself.

Warrior Foods

Here’s the simple list of what you can and can’t eat on this 12-week eating plan (note that this is not an exhaustive list):

Wild and grass fed meats (eat often): Pay attention to the labels on commercial grass fed products to ensure it says “100% grass-fed”. Check with your local farmer and ask questions. Although grass fed is not mandatory, it is highly recommended.

Fats from grass-fed, wild, free-range and pastured animals (eat often):

Least toxic fruits and vegetables(moderation):

(If it doesn’t say organic it means these are not typically sprayed with pesticides. All berries, apples, grapes and cherries should be organic)


Nuts (eat less often or not at all):

Leafy Vegetables and brassicas (eat less often or not at all):

** All greens should be organic to avoid pesticide residue

Condiments (eat less often):

Make your own condiments

Herbs & Spices (eat sparingly with the exception of natural salt):

Liquids (drink often):

Indulgences (eat less often):

Non-Warrior Foods (0 points):

Sweeteners (including sugar, processed honey, commercial syrup, agave nectar, stevia extracts, equal, xylitol, etc).

Conventional Dairy (all pasteurized/homogenized milk, non-grass fed cheese, most American cheeses) 

* Legumes (recommend being properly soaked. Refer to traditional methods here)

Exceptions list

These are non-single ingredient foods but contain healthier food ingredients

Again, these are not definitive lists. Use your best judgment and read all food labels. Food manufacturers are sneaky. If in doubt, ask Coach Steve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it ok to eat bacon?

A: Yes, in moderation. Keep in mind that the curing process introduces a number of unhealthy ingredients. Consider curing it yourself/buy from a trusted local farm with natural ingredients or shop for specific brands like US Wellness Meats,  Niman Ranch, Maverick Ranch.

Q: Are coconut or almond flours ok on the Warrior protocol?

A: Yes. They are single-ingredient and grain-free. However, almonds contain antinutrients and are not consistent with a carnivore diet. I recommend avoiding all nuts while trying to regain metabolic health.

Q: Can I substitute another alcohol for wine (the only recommended alcohol on the list)?

A: Yes. Mead. Mead is fermented honey and therefore technically an animal product. Since raw honey is loaded with vitamins and minerals, the fermented version is also but with the added benefits of having probiotic properties. More on mead.

Q: Are dried fruits ok?

A: Yes. Realize that dried fruits contain a higher concentration of sugar. Scrutinize any commercial and packaged dried fruit as they tend to be laced with seed oils and added sweeteners and preservatives. It is best to buy a dehydrator and make your own.

Q: Is fruit juice ok?

A: Juice you squeeze yourself is, but store-bought juices are not as they usually contain added sugar.

Q: Are protein powders ok? A: Some, yes. Most protein powders contain other ingredients, namely sweeteners like Sucralose and preservatives. Here are more details. My recommended protein powder: Great Lakes Collagen

Q: Is salt ok?

A: Only salt in its natural form, Mined salt. Cheap, idodized table salt is not. Natural salt contains essential minerals that our bodies need to sustain proper function. Sea salt is contaminated with microplastics.

Q: What’s wrong with plants and why shouldn’t I eat plenty?

A: I’m glad you asked. Plants have been glorified for as long as there has been agriculture, but there is a dark side that is not apparent or promoted. The most fundamental reason is that plants have their own defense systems that are designed for their own survival and propagation. The detailed answer is much more complicated and beyond the scope of this document (see More resources). Some plant compounds actually bind to minerals and restrict them from our bodies, and although we believe we are taking in vitamins and minerals, we are actually being robbed.  Another reason plants can be harmful is that modern agricultural practices are not in alignment with best health practices. The toxins being sprayed on large scale commercial crops are but one example of the insidious way in which plants can harm humans.

Q: What if I’m following an intermittent fasting protocol that directs me to skip a meal? Can I still win a point for my fire team for that missed meal?

A: Yes, as long as your missed meal(s) are part of a planned intermittent fasting protocol, not a meal missed due to travel or a hectic day. The point of IF is not to skip meals but to increase your fasting window and decrease your feeding window. Conditioning oneself to longer fasting windows by taking in all daily nutrients during a smaller window is the goal of IF. Aim for at least a 12 hour daily period of fasting with 16 hours being ideal for most men.

Q: What if I just like to eat a lot of vegetables, including leafy greens, can I load up my plate with greens?

A: I would say to do so at your own risk. Some individuals tolerate plants better than others and if you are not experiencing any metabolic dysfunction, you may be able to get by. It would be best to go with foods on the “least toxic” list and include fruits as well.

Q: It seems that sourcing grass fed and high quality farm raised food is more expensive and more inconvenient. What is your take?

A: It is. Being a hunter/gatherer in the modern sense by carefully and meticulously choosing your food, can be akin to spending hours and days in the woods. Most commercial food sources are not created for maximum health benefits of a modern day warrior, they are but merely about maximum dollar. What is good health worth to you? Clean and grass-fed, as well as wild game tend to cost more upfront, but the benefits over the long term far outweigh the apparent initial costs. In the long term it is actually much more economical because it drastically reduces health costs and illness.

Here is the link to the Weston Price local chapters listed by state. Select your state and then drill down to find the best sources of sustainable farm raised food in your local area.

Carnivore/animal based FAQ

Q: High cholesterol since going carnivore? 

A: This is pretty common and not necessarily a bad thing. Cholesterol is essential to life. Once on an animal-based diet, we have a steady source of dietary cholesterol being put into our bodies. Without taking on dietary cholesterol, our bodies can make it. This system may not be functioning correctly due to environmental factors such as poor diet, toxins in water and air, stress, etc.  Without going too deep, I’ll leave this to some excellent articles and podcasts that can do a much better job of explaining.

This podcast has a good explanation of cholesterol beginning at 40:15

Just know that you cannot make a conclusion about one’s overall health just by looking at high total cholesterol on a blood panel report. It would be best to evaluate all aspects of your lifestyle and environment, like sleep quality, dietary intake, exercise regime, and stress management, both emotional and physical. An invasion from any of these factors can possibly raise cholesterol levels. In addition, look at the ratios of LDL/HDL, and triglycerides and learn to interpret them, since many doctors won’t tell you. 

Q: What about constipation?

A: This is common and usually occurs within a couple of days of making a drastic diet change. It may take some time for your digestive system to adjust and it all depends on your digestive health and how drastic your dietary change is. It is usually better to make the change to carnivore a gradual one, rather than instantly eliminating all plant foods. Maintaining small amounts of fruits in the diet will provide ample fiber that can assist with elimination. In addition to fruit, try to get ample amounts of animal fat in the diet. Time and these simple tips will quickly overcome constipation.

Q: Where do I buy grass-fed meat?

A: It is becoming much easier to source grass-fed meat from ruminant animals like sheep, goat, cow, deer elk. Many major chain grocery stores now stock these products. Be aware that much of these are ultimately sourced from Australia and New Zealand, which is not all bad and still better than conventional raised animal meats. The best sources are those that are local to you. You can support your local farmer who practices regenerative agriculture by sourcing from them. Check out local farmers markets and family-owned shops. Even better, if you are a successful hunter, process your own harvest, and/or raise your own animals.

More resources:

Weston Price Foundation A good resource to use as a further guide on your nutritional journey is the Weston A. Price website. Here you will find abundant information on ancestral eating of the most satisfying and nourishing foods on the planet.

Carnivore MD Paul Saladino has been leading the charge on practicing a well formulated animal based eating protocol. His meticulous research and implementation is unsurpassed and solid.

Ancestral Supplements blog

Eat liver for vitamin A and muscle growth

Plants Bite Back

Carnivore cookbook

Canned Icelandic cod liver

Carnivore recipes

Organ-based seasoning

Coach Steve’s blog post on eating carnivore-ish

Carnivore cookbook

Carnivore recipes

Meal Prep

This eating plan may entail more cooking and food prep than you’re used to.

Here are some simple ways to simplify and speed things up in that department:

These are measures that make Body Of A Warrior sustainable for the long haul.

Experiment often, and share your best discoveries with your Body Of A Warrior brothers in your fire team and in the fireside channel so ALL can benefit!

As you can see, there’s plenty of delicious food available to you: you don’t need to suffer or “go without” on this eating plan.

Eating warrior meals as described above will have a MASSIVE impact on your Body Of A Warrior fitness outcome… so dive in and embrace the change.

Your taste-buds, overall health, and waistline will thank you.

Remember, it's all still possible.

To your freedom,

Steven Ashton, Body Of A Warrior Coach
Third Way Man