Body Of A Warrior: User Manual

Welcome to the Body Of A Warrior 12-week challenge.

I'm Steven Ashton, your Body Of A Warrior coach.

In this reference guide, I'm going to walk you through each part of the Body Of A Warrior experience so you know exactly what to do to get started.


Before we dive in, here are the rules that govern the Body Of A Warrior tribe.

1. Don't solicit. We're here to improve ourselves, not drum up business.

2. Use your real, full names in the slack group. We want to interact with the real you, not an abbreviation or pen name.
Here's how

3. Use a real profile pic. Take the 60 seconds and upload a photo of yourself to your slack profile so we can see who we're talking to.
Here's how

4. Don't break confidentiality. Everything shared in Body Of A Warrior is confidential. Do not break trust with your brothers by sharing private and personal information of any kind outside the group.

5. Self-govern. If you see a brother breaking one of these rules, your first action should be to let him know in private so he can rectify it. If the behavior continues, then reach out to us via DM (direct message) in slack.

Five rules. Short, sweet, vital.

The Slack Platform

We host Body Of A Warrior on Slack (and Zoom), so if this is your first time using slack, refer to this link for all your slack-related questions:
Slack Help

Slack Channels

As a Body Of A Warrior participant, you get access the following channels in slack:

01-welcome - Where we welcome all new Warriors
02-members - Membership-specific forum (Silver, Gold, Platinum)
03-fireside - Tribe-wide discussion
04-special-ops - Where we post the special op of the week
05-moots - Where we post each week's Moot link and replay
06-leaderboards - Where we post each week's leaderboard
07-wins - Where Warriors share their wins and breakthroughs
08-support - Where you post your customer support issues


Every Friday at 3:00 PM Central Time, we hold not a "meeting" but a digital Moot: an all-member gathering of Body Of A Warrior members, conducted via Zoom.

These weekly moots will cover:

1. Updates
2. Smack talk
3. Stories of success

Attendance is not mandatory but strongly encouraged. Points are involved. We will make video replays available for those who are unable to attend due to work, travel, or time-zone issues.

We post a reminder in Slack every Friday.

Here is the join link and password:

Link: Click To Join
Passcode: 868288

Body Of A Warrior Assignments

We'll be emailing your weekly workouts to you every weekend for the upcoming week.

Note: We highly recommend downloading a free interval timer app to your smartphone for the cardio portion of the workouts. Just search "interval timer" in either the apple or android app store and pick one of the free ones.

Body Of A Warrior Eating Plan

Here's the Body Of A Warrior eating plan.

Body Of A Warrior Fireteams

We'll be placing eligible Body Of A Warrior participants into fireteams, which is where the core components of our Warrior accountability system happen.

Three important things about fireteams:

1. Being in a highly-engaged fireteam is THE #1 success factor with Body Of A Warrior.

2. Placement in a fireteam is a PRIVILEGE, not a right.

Once you're placed in a fireteam, that group of men will be your band of brothers for the next 12-weeks. They will be the ones who most directly encourage, challenge, and cajole you to greatness.

Body Of A Warrior Leaderboard

This is where the magic happens.

Every week, each fireteam gets scored as a whole (not individually) on their execution of that week's workout, eating, and special op assignments, as well as their moot attendance.

Each fireteam's score is then placed on our Body Of A Warrior leaderboard, and updated on a weekly basis, with bragging rights and prizes for the top-performing fireteams, not to mention the bi-product of improved fitness.

This is the linchpin of the Warrior accountability system. It's the key to the entire experience.

Here's how each fireteam will be scored:

Completed bold move of the week: 5 points per completed BOLD MOVE
Proof: pic or video

Completed workout: 2 points per completed workout (14 point weekly max)
Proof: sweaty selfie pic

Compliant meal: 1 point per compliant meal (21 point weekly max)
Proof: plate pic

Special ops: 5 points for one completed special op
Proof: pic or video

Attend weekly moot: 5 points for live attendance or replay
Proof: Screenshot of zoom call

While fireteams are scored as a team, each member of the fireteam is responsible for submitting their own scores each week. Scores are collected on Monday – so, for example, you would submit scores for the week of April 26th to May 2nd on May 3rd, the day after that scoring period ends. Wednesday at noon is the cutoff for score submission – scores submitted after that time may be added to your teams overall total, but won't count for that week's leaderboard.

You can create your own score tracker, or you can use the Google sheet template below.

*** IMPORTANT: You must MAKE A COPY of this sheet for your fireteam, otherwise you'll just overwrite this template. Click on the link, click on "file," click on "make copy," then choose a file name for YOUR fireteam's version of this file. Thank you. ***

Click here for the score tracker template

We'll be using the honor system throughout, so the entire process depends on the integrity and goodwill of each and every man in the tribe.

Note that this system rewards the one thing you have direct control over; your actions. We don't reward members showing the fastest weight loss or muscle gain, as those outcomes are NOT within your direct control.

Of course, there is a high correlation between actions taken and results gained: we've simply taken the more empowering approach of rewarding the former and letting the latter take care of itself.

We've created modified versions of each workout to accommodate every fitness level, so this really is a level playing field: the man with 100 pounds to lose can win just as many points for his fireteam as the man with 10 pounds to lose. It's all about your willingness to show up and do the work.

Putting It All Together

Here is how the Body Of A Warrior experience will work when all these parts are put together:

1. On Friday, you'll join us on the Moot (zoom call).

2. Over the next week, you and the other men in your fireteam will work to complete all assignments:

* Workouts
* Eating Plan
* your Bold Move for the week
* Special Ops
* Moot attendance

3. You and your fireteam brothers will substantiate the completion of these assignments with proof pics.

That will be the weekly rhythm of the Body Of A Warrior tribe… with resulting transformations in store for those who show up and do the work.

I can't wait to begin this fitness adventure with you.

Remember, it's all still possible.

To your freedom,

Steven Ashton, Coach
Body Of A Warrior